Expert Help for Migrating from Windows 7 to 10 Announced by ITsavvy

ADDISON, Ill.—ITsavvy, one of the fastest growing complete technology solution providers in the U.S., announced a portfolio of solutions to help clients transition from Windows 7 to Windows 10;  Microsoft announced that it will be effectively ending support for the Windows 7 platform Jan. 14, 2020. ITsavvy President and CEO Mike Theriault said, “For organizations that are still using Windows 7, and there are many, we have a number of solutions in place to not only manage the transition, but also to improve their technology environment in the process. Our goal is always to develop the best solution for the situation and this is no different.” Although clients can opt to purchase up to three additional years of Microsoft support through ITsavvy, Ryan Goldstein, Director, Cloud Managed Solutions for ITsavvy recommends an assessment and migration to Windows 10. “As a temporary bridge, additional support can be a good solution,” Goldstein said. “But it’s relatively expensive and just not a long-term solution—from both cost and performance perspectives.” ITsavvy offers a suite of industry-leading engineered solutions, such as a configuration lab, systems architecture and implementation that take the headache out of switching from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and complete managed IT services to expertly handle day-to-day systems management once the transition is complete. ITsavvy also offers all Microsoft operating systems and Windows 2000 servers. Goldstein recommends beginning with an assessment that includes a thorough inventory of hardware and software assets, with an eye toward determining how easily Windows 10 can integrate into the existing environment; the compatibility of existing applications; and what, if any, new hardware and software will be needed. “Failure to upgrade may create compliance issues for some organizations,” Goldstein warned. “There will be no more security patches—which will lead to cybersecurity vulnerability. Also the internet and some websites may not function correctly.”
“ITsavvy” is a Registered Trademark of B2B Industries LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of respective companies with which they are associated.

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